"Dear Trudy, thanks for making our stay here so jam-packed and fun-filled.

(SHE looks upwards)

We have orders to go to a higher bio-vibrational plane.








Just wanted you to know, the neuro- chemical imprints of our cardio-cortical experiences here on earth will remain with us always, but what we take with us into space that we cherish most is the 'goose bump' experience."

(To audience)

Yeah, remember that night I took 'em to the theatre.  We're standing there in the dark, I feel one of 'em tug my sleeve, he whispers, "Trudy, look." I said, "Yeah, goose bumps.  You really like the play that much?" They said it wasn't the play gave 'em goose bumps, it was the audience.  I forgot to tell 'em to watch the play, they'd been watching the audience.

(Shakes head in amazement)
Yeah, to see a group of strangers sitting together in the dark, laughing and crying about the same things just knocked 'em out.  They said; "Trudy, the play was soup - the audience - art."