TRUDY "When humankind had its first thought, most likely we did not know what to think."It's hard to think. Without words, you haven't got a clue as to what you're thinking. Communication was at a standstill. Then, we figure, one day, primitive man is walking along barefoot, as he did in those days. He stubbed his toe, he said, "Ouch". He thought, "Hmm, I wonder what I meant by that?" Pretty soon he felt his toe throbbing and he knew the meaning of 'ouch'. Hey Howard, when primitive man had his 'ouch' experience, he couldn't have known he was paving the way years later for Helen Keller to have her 'wa-wa' experience. What a break-through. Oh, they figure that's how language began. I personally think we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain."